TISSUE XD last 2 period - science our gang sartish kah mun siow thong me ekhsan shayne darwin ket xuan i help our gang create a name '' sakai - wee wang wang '' today .. we play until nothing to play last time play peanuts today play tissue - - want know how we ply ??? 1st wet the tissue then throw to ceiling / wall crazy right ??? but it is fun :D me and thong laugh until cant breathe the all malays also cant tahan us I HATE THAT GANG OF MALAY BITCHES !!! when we playing tissue they want to ponteng class but kena caught back by teacher then they come and blame us say what because we like that play make they cant study = = Fuxx la ... when they all study before?? every last two period go ponteng today ponteng failed then come and blame us... BITCHES !!!! want run then say la... cheh !! macam tortoise eat shit la !!! [ LOL so rude .. psps ] now the assistant [ penolong ketua] want report to pn. sangeetha LOL... go la !!! who scare who ??? you got thing to report i don...
Showing posts from October, 2009
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my dinner xD and1 shirt AND1 today wake up at 5.50 a.m ready to go for AND1 ^^ 6.22 a.m i reach Doritis court to wait for xue ying dad to fetch us go K.L [ Time Square ] awhile more xue ying dad reach d i sit at her's dad car and waiting for others yen woon , rui yan , siow thong , pey fein ... all come d just only the coach [ kah han ] haven't come yet siow thong call him don't know his dad or his brother answer the call he said kah han haven't wake up = = we like WTH !! so late d still haven't wake up we wake him until 7 something only can go siow thong forget to bring I.C then the xue ying dad fetch siow thong back home to take I.C the way of going to time square we keep laughing in the van we laugh for non reason i think is we cemas until hyper :D around 8 ++ we reach time square after we register we change the AND1 shirt OMG the smallest size is '' M '' but it look like '' XXL '' = = we wear d we look so FAT !!! @@ our team name...
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TRAINING > this few days i busy for training after back home i don't feel like wanna on9 ^^ sorry yahx.. cause i' m tired tomorrow i have to go for and1 basketball competition haiz.. i really hope tomorrow he will come and support me but he at Penang > fine la.. > today training i kena whack by jasmine elbow and pey fein ball > i damn freaking angry kah han today also my last day of training for tomorrow and1 he ask me out = = fuxx la > keep ask me sit at side c how is people play just see how i improve ?? must let me try whatt zzZZ
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[Upload your own video] [Upload your own video] P1 WiMAX :D today .. at class.. we keep do demo bout the P1 WiMAX video damn funny weix keep ask people u cut already almost people negative thinking :D i think we are helping P1 WiMAX to promote :) i like the guy when he is laughing he laugh until so evil really '' bah tahan '' HAHA ...!!! '' YOU CUT ALREADY ?? '' :D SORRY FOR YESTERDAY hey guyss sorry for yesterday i dint update my blog cause ~ i' m lazy > '' PSPS '' sorry sorry yesterday my friend send me a video name '' maple at midnight '' i watch until laugh :D it i funny i like the '' eh ! pain nah ! eh ! > ''kena hammer '' click and watch it !!! [Upload your own video]
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PAIN NaH EH !!! > i went to clinic just now i go c doctor cause my left eye bengkak T.T so pain > the doctor say nothing > i scare i blind la.. now i need to take medicine for my eyes haizz cant on9 until too late.. cause the doctor say my eyes need to rest more if not it cant get well i' m so worry la MY EYES !!! i damn freaking scare i will blind > i still got a lot of thing waiting for me and i wan walk around the world i must take care of my eyes ^^ i want to love my eyes ^^ i have to sleep now !! let my eyes rest WAKAKAKA !! BYE all ^^ good nite zzZZ
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i draw my dinner ^^ in fitting room SHOPPING :) went shopping with mama & sis at bk tinggi jusco ^^ wehave a dinner at there '' BBQ Plaza '' that is nice ^^ so Yummy~ after dinner we go shopping i bought a new shirt ^^ that is nice to me.. i like the shirt ^^ it is black color it price is 40 bucks i think Ah .. lalalalalala... don't know want to write what la >
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K.L today went to K.L with family we have our breakfast at K.L too :] after breakfast we go to time square an unlucky things is happening my grandma fell down o.O i like O . M. G my grandma head bengkak we fast fast send her to '' M '' floor the doctor say send her to clinic or hospital .. = = we back to Sri Muda send her to clinic the doctor say nothing just normal case.. LOL nice travil = = 1st time went to K.L 3 hrs then come back haha hope my grandma got nothing la ^^ god bless her :) FRIENDSTER :] wow .. just now i go check my friendster 1st and 2nd acc ^^ 1st acc increase to 1763 2nd acc increase to 1669 wa ~ !!! happy nehx ^^ i want to make them FULL ^^ I LOVE FRIENDSTER '' you wanna say love love love love love love love ''
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hand leg >: PAIN NAHX !! today i go to basketball we play match with children LOL they damn fucking ' lan c '' especially the red color shirt the child darn !!! he just shoot 1 ball .. but he talk a lot ...- - the worst want is.. i fall down today T.T a malay girl push ... WTX my injury damn serious > pain a !!! at night no body message me.. he also .. he just tell me that he is eating after that no more ler.. i keep waiting his message la.. i think he at his friends house .. but when he go .. he dint tell me.. i don't know i want to call him a not ?! i call him .. scare disturbing him don't call him my heart so worry i don 't know la.. > no mood to write .. BYE !!
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paper sweet ^^ NAUGHTINESS CLASS [2Nervillia] :D i love today so much i wont forget today i love 2Nervillia :] today last 2 period [ science ] we play ^^ play until so ... SAKAI name of the SAKAI me siow thong evon shayne ekhsan sartish [ Ah Neh ] ambarasan darwin what we [Chinese & Indian ] do in class :- eat at class talk laugh play teacher paper fight peanuts fight acting and more .. 1st we just eat peanuts at class .. then suddenly don't know who throw a peanut to me i don't care .. i simply throw.. i almost throw to teacher ass :D then Evon said .. '' give me the peanut .. i shoot to teacher ass '' she take it and shoot WALAO !! really kena teacher ass... teacher said '' jangan macam tu la.. kena cikgu la '' we whole gang laugh like shit wei xD we keep talk talk talk and laugh and keep kacau teacher. xD we still got peanuts.. we throw the peanuts to malays the malays throw back to us so the peanuts fight is start the ah neh tare the ...
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[: BACK TO SCHOOL LIFE today .. school start lo ^^ that's fun cause it is too bored in home stay at home , just give chance to let mum ask me to do this do that @@ feel so tired cause yesterday 2 something only sleep = = when i reach school i go '' yam cha '' with friends i order 100 plus tambah energy :D around 1 we walk back to school me and Evon saw alagai and Pn. Shabita we move backwards > but .. '' ooi !!! form 2 ... pergi kanteen '' we like... OMG !! we turn back .. hoo ~ luckily is normal teacher :D if not me n Evon DIE lo !! at class .. we like good students .. study ... copy notes listen to teacher.. after 10 minutes .. some take out the phone to sms some talking some gossiping some ply rub-ix some eating ..... and more haha .. 2 Nervillia is back :D recess time we sit back our place our '' KING '' place :D we whole gang sit at there and talk talk talk .. talk until half Jason and Evon water fight = = i dint play als...
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this is the place that i jogging ^^ BASKETBALL :) WOHOO~ basketball life i like basketball ^^ today 7 i woke up to go for basketball WAWOO!! haha 8.06 a.m i reach basketball court then we start the game ^^ fun wei but i always let people steal my ball T.T sad la.. :] we ply until 9 something then we play match now my leg very pain la > around 10 we go '' yam cha '' we sit at there until 11 ++ then i went back home i help my mum do some house work ....... bla bla bla bla... 6.30 i accompany my mum to jogging jog until half... i cant walk = = LOL then we back home... LOL my '' taufu '' leg :D after bath i online me n my friend keep discussing the sohai = = damn xxxx erm .. K enough la.. don't wan make myself angry ^^ be happy wahaha !! = = IS YOU BREAK THE FRIENDSHIP why you still lie to us??? if u tell the truth ... i think we wont like that do to you .. i really don't like any 1 to be my enemy this , is you paksa us untill like... you make ...
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WHAT THE FUCK !!!! what the happen today ?? keep people tagging nonsense i c it also '' dulan '' YA YA !!! THX FOR U ALL CARES ABOUT ME !!! AND PLEASE.. WATCH WHAT YOU ALL SAID... and who the fuck of 77 please u know what double 7 what 360 .. i also know OK ?? the person that want find the trouble is u ... and please me n my boy friend thing don't need u care... if u dare put ur real name out !!! don't put others people name... don't be a torties u don't think i don't know u .. k?? i know u ... i just don't want say it out... if u like that tag and scare other people U !!! WATCH OUT !!! if u still want me to be ur friend.. u better don't simply say !!! to ... others.. stop argue in my CBOX !!! i 1st time be so rude here... don't make me angry .. once i angry u all fuck off !!! i ' m sorry about today .. i really not in good mood sorry !!
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my dinner [ Mr.Ramen] it so Yummy~ new cloth i bought just now ^^ rm 26.90 this also $$26.90 these my new pants 2 for $50 nia ^^ SHOPPING :D i like shopping :] wahaha today i went to SUMMIT with my mama n muii we have dinner at there also after dinner we go shopping i bought 2 shirts n 2 pants ^^ after shopping we back home :] on9 and searching for pitbull de song ^^ miss him love him forever angel a.k.a luii
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): M y MooD Bla Bla ~ Happy Birthday to Darienz ^^ Sorry for i dint go for your party cause of some reason .. i dint go for the party cause i don' t want not i can' t i don' t want cause i want .. say already hope you all can understand me cause i want to chat with him LOL not logic right ?? i know i tell this you all will angry me will scold by you all i' m sorry guys .. if you all want scold then scold la i wont angry or do anythings today , i message him i ask him something i asked '' can i have an hour in a day to chat with u ?? just for an hour '' he answer '' OK ...[ and others i forget ]'' i also don' t why i will like that ask him maybe take wrong medicine :) i really so miss him my friend ask me why i keep thinking of him?? i said i also don' t know why :D i think cause i love him @ @ why some of few i unhappy they can feel it ?? why '' Some '' cant ?? weird la '' WHERE EVER Y...
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Pasar Malam :) this evening, it was raining can' t go for pasar malam T.T and cant' t go for jogging :( today , my dinner was '' soup '' ^^ so nice x) mum cook want ler after dinner, the rain stopped and my oldest bro back i go ask him to bring me go for pasar malam ^^ haha cause i miss the Bubble Tea cappuccino flavour :D i beg him for 5 minutes finally he promise me ^^ 8.30 p .m we reach there the floor are wet i accidentally kick the water to my bro leg he look at me and said '' wei !!! i just bath la... > haha i keep laughing la.. xD after we buy the Bubble Tea then we buy cake , '' Dim Sam '' , snacks all use his $$ wahahaha !! he '' Pokai '' jor X) 9.30 p.m like that we back home then i edit my blog i keep find the blog skin > i chg 3-4 times only can choose to a most nice wan ^^ i like this skin :) so cool and it got pink don' t when , i start to like pink color miss you love you :) angel a.k.a Luii
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Rain :) today , 7 o' clock wake up go for basketball court not for training , just for ply = = play until half .. WOW !! raining xD we don' t care . we continue to play ^^ we kick the water to each other xD '' Siok '' a play basketball in raining but.. now got a bit pening kepala :) the rain going to heavier we run to our friend house .. we play with the puppy ^^ it name ah girl ^^ it so cute .. and very '' Guai '' ^^ the rain stop , we go to '' Yam Cha '' at SMC we sit until the sum come out then we go play basketball again ^^ play until 12 p. m i follow my friend to back home around 2 p. m i follow my mum go eat lunch^^ MCD @ @ afraid to burger... xD 3 something ..i reach home after bath i sleep at sofa... sleep until 7 only wake up too tired... x] then go bath again xD after bath then i on9 ^^ on9 games MSN FS Blog i miss him ^^ damn damn miss him tml he no class.. he want Dota whole dayy = = LOL not sien meh? xD miss you ...
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i draw this today ^^ draw for my dearr DEAR !!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY !!! ^^ 7 Oct - my dear Shiro birthday a ^^ hey hey all must wish him happy birthday oo xD DEAR, bi wish u happy birthday here and happy always ^^ makxx yesterday ... i moody cause.. :D don't wan tell but he make me smile ^^ when he send me the video when i watch it i feel .. WOW.. so sweet ^^ at that moment i tell myself he is the 1 that treat r the best I LOVE MY DEAR FOREVER AND EVER THANK YOU :) today i wake up at 8.30 a.m then i follow my mum to pasar 10. 15 a.m i go to '' MY 1 SHOP '' to buy my earrings cause my earrings lost jorr > then i go MAY BANK to help my mama bank in around 11.40 we reach home then do some house work finish d i on9 5.27 p.m i off i have my dinner at the same time 6.30 p. m i follow my mum to jogging WOW !! so ''siok '' xD 7.20 p.m we back home after cool down our body then go to bath 9p.m i on9 again ^^ i play my games but...> don't know ...
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DRAW OUT MY LIFE ~ ^^ today i dint go to school sorry to ket xuan , darwin , ah neh i '' FFk '' u all cause .. cause .. i' m lazy :D at afternoon me n my mum went to spec shop cause my mum want to check her's eyes power half an hr more we going back home i feel bored T.T then i keep drawing :D 6 something i follow my mum go jogging around the house jog until 7 something then bck home i sit down to cool down my then go bath after bath i on msn , fs and blog n waiting his msg until now [ 12 a.m] - - he plying game T.T suan la...
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me n kah mun ... take pic at toilet xD SUGAR GLIDER pink !! ^^ she too short need stand on the chair xD SUGAR GLIDER ^^ It is cute ^^ my friend [ ah neh - sartish ] he bring it to school ^^ walao it damn freaking cute wa !!!! i love it so much ah neh told me the price that he bought female-280 $$ male-250 $$ too expensive la > but i' m not that rich la T.T and i scare it die xD it is so Q i miss it it is female it' s name Ruby ^^ nice name rite?? ^^ tmr i think i' m not going to school lo.. but i miss Ruby T.T miss you love you :) X O X O Luii a.k.a angel