
Showing posts from June, 2010
FINALLY :) i have done my Sejarah folio .. :) hm~ Seriously.. i love Sejarah folio more than Geografi folio .. cause Sejarah is more interest of Geografi this time geh Sejarah folio damn freaking easy hope i can get more marks on it .. then, my pmr don't need worry jor ;)
YESTERDAY :) BASKETBALL COMPETITION (ALPHA Q) after basketball straight go swimming :) hm~ not really in mood on yesterday cause of the basketball competition :( P.S. sorry to my team mate at here you all adi choose who be sub rite?? yesterday, i don't even play for the game.. cause they suddenly want me to be sub.. i like '' aw.. ok, never mind'' i thought 5-7 minutes like that will sub me in but they dint. finish game d. only tell me '' no we don't let you play, is no time '' NO TIME??? WTF ?? SO FUNNY do you all know?? when i know i don't need be sub i so fucking happy.. but at last... give hope to me is you all make me happy is you all give me confidence on this competition is you all but.. make me dulan+sad+dissapointed also you all .. du 9 7 lan if you all think i m the fucking noob then tell me if you all want me to be sub then tell me earlier then i don't need so concentrate
YESTERDAY. babi. ponteng kane tangkap by discipline teacher LOL actually i wont kena wan lah . . is the stupid malay guy go tell teacher when he kena tangkap by teacher cause of his hair damn stupid wan la those malay .. this is teacher want me sign geh agreement = = damn lame~ nothing to do LOL
... sweet ' storm ' so nice it is sugar free. good for diet . xD PIZZA HUTTT ~ it taste so ... YUKSSS~ to me.. >< woohoo~ yummy yummuy.. at furniture shop my cousin Wai Hong me and my cousin me n my baby Kiko
不知道为什么 突然很想念小舅~ 这就是我小舅的照片 我好不想留在家哦。 留在家就开始乱乱想。 够力!!! 小舅!!! 我真的很想你啊!!!! T.T
Orphanage ~ 12 June 9 something morning until 3 afternoon really have a lot of fun at there. although the food is not really nice, but when you eat with them, you will feel nice. - when they are performing - - when they are playing - - when we are resting - - when we are eating - - when they are singing - - when they are dating :D - - when she is LC-ing - - when it is siting - - when I am recording - baby ♥ ~ teaching they Sign Language with song hyper shit xD
小舅(andy liew) 我们永远会 记得,怀念,思念,想念你 在 2010年,6月,10日 早上大概十一点多, 我的 小舅因车祸而去世 。 他只是区区的 25岁 。 他的生日还没到,严格来说 只是24岁半。 昨天, 我收到妈妈发给我的信息。 我立刻呆掉。 写着 ‘ 小舅死了’ 当时, 我完全不敢相信我眼睛。 不久妈妈打来。 她哭着对我说。‘小舅死了’ 我傻了。 我的头脑一片空白。过马路时, 还差点给车撞。 在回家途中, 我的眼泪不停的流。 我根本接受不到这个事实。 听说,那个司机撞到小舅后就跑了 没救他,没叫 ambulance 然后有个马来人, 看到了小舅。 就马上打电话叫 ambulance 不过等到它来,就死了。 那马来人还说。 我小舅死之前, 不停的哭。 天啊~ 晚上,8点多 我们到巴生的 ‘慈善堂’ 拜小舅,打斋。 我的大哥和我的婆婆哭到最厉害。 我大哥与我小舅的感情超好。 从小玩到大。可说是 (亲戚+死党) 我拜了小舅。 我到他的棺木看他。 我的泪水有向下滑落。 差不多11点多 我们就回家。 我两个哥哥和一大班朋友就留下。 第二天 , 早上9点多, 我们有回到‘慈善堂’去 进行关棺木仪式。 然后,送殡仪式开始了 工作人员把棺木抬上车。 工作人员要我们四兄妹摸着车尾走一段路, 然后上车。我们的泪水 简直像山水一样的流。 到了‘富贵山庄’ 也叫做 ‘富贵唐城’ 就进行火化仪式。 我们四兄妹站在棺木前, 拜小舅。 我们尽量忍着不哭。 当铁门一开, 把那棺木慢慢送进去火化时。 我们以及一班朋友们都哭了。 火化仪式结束。 我们就吃我们的午餐。 2点多就要帮小舅拾骨。 拾了骨,我们就把他的骨灰放在小舅的‘位置’ 3点 我们就回家了。 我的感受 真的超痛苦。 超舍不得。 我很后悔,为什么在他生前没好好的对他 我真的很后悔。 老实说, 我到现在还不能接受这事实。 对小舅的话 小舅, 你安息吧。 我们会照顾婆婆的。 我们一辈子都会 思念,怀念,想念你。 appreciate wat u have now.. dun wait until u lost it oni feel regret. like me. i m really fucking regret y i din treat him good. pls my fren, listen to me,
STRAIGHTEN MY HAIR :) i love my hair s ø muchii ♥
WASH 8 PAIRS OF SHOES IN 1 DAY =) my sis shoes :D dirty rite ??? WENT TO EAT TONG SHUI AT NIGHT :D me and my kor (edward) pudding the shop name :)