
sweet ^^
i love today so much
i wont forget today
i love 2Nervillia :]
today last 2 period [ science ]
we play ^^
play until so ...
name of the SAKAI
- me
- siow thong
- evon
- shayne
- ekhsan
- sartish [ Ah Neh ]
- ambarasan
- darwin
- eat at class
- talk
- laugh
- play teacher
- paper fight
- peanuts fight
- acting
1st we just eat peanuts at class ..
then suddenly don't know who throw a peanut to me
i don't care ..
i simply throw..
i almost throw to teacher ass :D
then Evon said ..
'' give me the peanut .. i shoot to teacher ass ''
she take it and shoot
really kena teacher ass...
teacher said
'' jangan macam tu la.. kena cikgu la ''
we whole gang laugh like shit wei xD
we keep talk talk talk and laugh
and keep kacau teacher. xD
we still got peanuts..
we throw the peanuts to malays
the malays throw back to us
so the peanuts fight is start
the ah neh
tare the science text book
and start the paper fight ..
actully we just throw to each other
don't who give the idea to us
we only choose a target ..
throw to him/her ..
fun la ^^
the worst wan is the shayne
he throw the shoes to ekhsan xD
dirty wei !!
after paper fight
we play acting ...
shayne act rihanna
ambarasan act Pn.upik
we keep laughing until non stop ..
teacher also cant '' beh tahan '' us liao xD
i like today
it was fun ^^