this is the place that i jogging ^^

basketball life
i like basketball ^^
today 7 i woke up
to go for basketball
8.06 a.m
i reach basketball court
then we start the game ^^
fun wei
but i always let people steal my ball T.T
sad la.. :]
we ply until 9 something
then we play match
now my leg very pain la ><
around 10
we go '' yam cha ''
we sit at there until 11 ++
then i went back home
i help my mum do some house work
bla bla bla bla...
6.30 i accompany my mum to jogging
jog until half...
i cant walk = =
then we back home...
LOL my '' taufu '' leg :D
after bath
i online
me n my friend keep discussing the sohai = =
damn xxxx
erm ..
K enough la..
don't wan make myself angry
be happy
wahaha !!
= =
why you still lie to us???
if u tell the truth ...
i think we wont like that do to you ..
i really don't like any 1 to be my enemy
this , is you paksa us untill like...
you make me argue with mum
dad come and talk with me..
and what the fuck u going to do next??
stop it k??
i promise my bf that i wont bother this case any more
and hope
you don't come and kacau me and my friends..
this is the last warning to you ...