today ..
school start lo ^^
that's fun cause it is too bored in home
stay at home ,
just give chance to let mum
ask me to do this do that @@
feel so tired
cause yesterday 2 something only sleep = =
when i reach school
i go '' yam cha '' with friends
i order 100 plus
tambah energy :D
around 1
we walk back to school
me and Evon saw alagai and Pn. Shabita
we move backwards ><
but ..
'' ooi !!! form 2 ... pergi kanteen ''
we like...
OMG !!
we turn back ..
hoo ~
luckily is normal teacher :D
if not me n Evon
DIE lo !!
at class ..
we like good students ..
study ...
copy notes
listen to teacher..
after 10 minutes ..
haha ..
2 Nervillia is back :D
recess time
we sit back our place
our '' KING '' place :D
we whole gang sit at there and
talk talk talk ..
talk until half
Jason and Evon water fight = =
i dint play also kena
my shirt all wet ..
after recess ..
we dint study also ...
we just eat at class ..
eat in front of teacher ..
and sms ^^
suddenly have a malay girl come to out class...
and shout !! cry !! talk !!
almost want fight = =
we Chinese just sit at there
eat .. and watch movie :D
some of us shout
'' WOW !! fight fight fight !!! ''
so bad ~
after that ..
my friends
Shayne and Evon
go ask for the truth
'' ke poh ''
last period of sivik
i go toilet with my friend- Thong
the way of back to class...
i put my hand inside the pocket
i want take my ring and
wear it back
W. T .H
i lost it !!!!
i back to my place to find ..
throw all of my thing out and find
also can't find it
i like ..
no mood
and msg my dear ..
'' dear sorry ''
suddenly !!
my friend Ambarasan
i look at his hand and ask him let me c
WAO !!!
i find my ring T.T
i happy until cry ><
so ps la...
my friend ask me...
'' WA !! why u cry ? ''
then i said
'' i found my ring ''
she ask again
'' ring only ma .. need cry a ?? ''
i said
'' NO !! that's different this my bf gave me ''
she like >>> = =
thx Ambarasan ...
thx thx thx ..
if not him ...
i also can't find back m ring ^^
thank you
i promise to my ring
i wont leave you ..
i will take care of you
and wont let u lost ^^
makx ..
today ..
school start lo ^^
that's fun cause it is too bored in home
stay at home ,
just give chance to let mum
ask me to do this do that @@
feel so tired
cause yesterday 2 something only sleep = =
when i reach school
i go '' yam cha '' with friends
i order 100 plus
tambah energy :D
around 1
we walk back to school
me and Evon saw alagai and Pn. Shabita
we move backwards ><
but ..
'' ooi !!! form 2 ... pergi kanteen ''
we like...
OMG !!
we turn back ..
hoo ~
luckily is normal teacher :D
if not me n Evon
DIE lo !!
at class ..
we like good students ..
study ...
copy notes
listen to teacher..
after 10 minutes ..
- some take out the phone to sms
- some talking
- some gossiping
- some ply rub-ix
- some eating
haha ..
2 Nervillia is back :D
recess time
we sit back our place
our '' KING '' place :D
we whole gang sit at there and
talk talk talk ..
talk until half
Jason and Evon water fight = =
i dint play also kena
my shirt all wet ..
after recess ..
we dint study also ...
we just eat at class ..
eat in front of teacher ..
and sms ^^
suddenly have a malay girl come to out class...
and shout !! cry !! talk !!
almost want fight = =
we Chinese just sit at there
eat .. and watch movie :D
some of us shout
'' WOW !! fight fight fight !!! ''
so bad ~
after that ..
my friends
Shayne and Evon
go ask for the truth
'' ke poh ''
last period of sivik
i go toilet with my friend- Thong
the way of back to class...
i put my hand inside the pocket
i want take my ring and
wear it back
W. T .H
i lost it !!!!
i back to my place to find ..
throw all of my thing out and find
also can't find it
i like ..
no mood
and msg my dear ..
'' dear sorry ''
suddenly !!
my friend Ambarasan
i look at his hand and ask him let me c
WAO !!!
i find my ring T.T
i happy until cry ><
so ps la...
my friend ask me...
'' WA !! why u cry ? ''
then i said
'' i found my ring ''
she ask again
'' ring only ma .. need cry a ?? ''
i said
'' NO !! that's different this my bf gave me ''
she like >>> = =
thx Ambarasan ...
thx thx thx ..
if not him ...
i also can't find back m ring ^^
thank you
i promise to my ring
i wont leave you ..
i will take care of you
and wont let u lost ^^
makx ..