my dinner xD
and1 shirt
today wake up at 5.50 a.m
ready to go for AND1 ^^
6.22 a.m i reach Doritis court
to wait for xue ying dad
to fetch us go K.L [ Time Square ]
awhile more xue ying dad reach d
i sit at her's dad car and waiting for others
yen woon , rui yan , siow thong , pey fein ...
all come d
just only the coach [ kah han ]
haven't come yet
siow thong call him
don't know his dad or his brother
answer the call
he said kah han haven't wake up = =
we like WTH !!
so late d still haven't wake up
we wake him until 7 something only can go
siow thong forget to bring I.C
then the xue ying dad fetch siow thong back home
to take I.C
the way of going to time square
we keep laughing in the van
we laugh for non reason
i think is we cemas until hyper :D
around 8 ++
we reach time square
after we register
we change the AND1 shirt
the smallest size is '' M ''
but it look like '' XXL '' = =
we wear d
we look so FAT !!! @@
our team name is ''FREEDOM ''
we play with '' POTATO ''
we start playing at round 9
at court 8
when round 9
we think the what ''POTATO '' 's team
the girls is very thin wan
when we see..
they so BIG SIZE !!!!
we don't know to continue to play
cause our size is not big as them T.T
don't how to bang them ><
and we lose the game T.T
wa ~~ !!!
sad sad a !!!
although we lose the game
itis the chance to let us play
time square- theme park
'' siok '' a
after we buy the ticket
we play all the way
at that time the theme park have no people
at that time the theme park just like our world ^^
we shout , scream , sing when we playing
the whole theme park all also our sound
now all of us also no sound ler :D
it is fun ^^
siow thong throw the ring
she get a bear bear ^^
the bear so cutee ~~
guess how many times we play the roller coaster ??
4 times ^^
we make the all roller coaster player all get high
we shout '' wee wang wang '' they follow us
i shout '' all raise up ur hand , let's get high ''
they also follow
we so high weihx..
and we got play the ship also ^^
damn scary la ><
the xue ying cry :D
we play all the scary thing
we also have play a children thing :D
it is TRAIN
when we sit on the train
we keep ''wee wang wang''
when the train enter the black hole
we act ghost sound
to scare others people
what we SHOUT / SCREAM / SING ???
we shout :-
'' wee wang wang ''
'' woo hoo ''
we scream :-
'' ah leh leh leh leh ... ''
we sing:-
i gotta a feeling
that tonight gonna be a good night x2
that tonight gonna be a good good night
we wont waste the $$
we play !!! ALL !!! ^^
we eat buffer at the ''teppayaki ''
siow thong , pey fein , chia hui , yen woon one table
me , kah han , jade , rui yan other table
we eat sushi
we keep order order
eat until so full
the sushi go round is so cool
in front of sushi
got a small train
we go play the train :D