''forget about your boyfriends and meet at the hotel room you can bring your girlfriend and meet me at the hotel room'' i m listening to this song ^^ 11a.m my mum wake me up after i brush my teeth then preparing to school LOL i forget to eat my breakfast > HUNGRY !! today aunt 12 p.m already come n fetch me to school 12.35p.m i reach to school i go Unique '' yam cha '' with friends 1 small table contain 10++ people - - 1p.m we walk in school 1st period start - Math LOL don't know why i very concentrate on it.. maybe is exam is coming ^^ i study is cause of him ^^ 3rd period - K.H [ kemahiran hidup ] me n my friends keep talking :) 5th period - B.M teacher enter class just only me , evon , racheal n jasmine this 4 person only - - all don't know go where d teacher dint teach x) 6th period -recess time !!! :D LOL yesterday was peanuts fight today water fight xD '' KI Siao '' this fight also evon start 1st - - she got nothing to ...
Showing posts from September, 2009
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Today 8.3o wake up.. i follow my mum to Pasar around 10.30 we back home after i iron my uniform then have a talk with my mum she tell me that how she be with my dad ^^ the story not sweet geh = = we talk until 11am i go take my bath 12pm i waiting for my aunt to fetch me 12.23pm she fetch me to school 12.45pm i reach school i meet my friends at SMC 1pm we walk in school @@ today Evon[ KAh MUn ] she hyper again - - LOL she bring her's PIG pencil case to school keep go ask the MAlay '' comel tak?? '' '' cute o?? macam saya kan ??? '' - - all the malay like ... = = 3rd period - B.I PN. Sharon enter class she keep catch people hair , pants = = one of my friend [ shayne ] he scold by PN. Sharon cause his wear the pants too low and his hair too long also.. - - when we all doing home works suddenly have a sound BOOM !!! that is mercun damn loud wei.. 1st we think is Alagai ..xD haha.. some of them said '' alagai , ' fong pei ' '' L...
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8am i wake up after breakfast at Sri Petaling then i straight go to my aunt house @ KEpong around 11 we reach there i play with my cousin.. he just 11 months big x3 he so Q he keep laughing for non-reason = = maybe he saw xxxxxx ^^ 12 pm we go to IKEA WOW !!! there got a lot of thing i also like x]] i feel like i wanna buy the whole IKEA xD i love there.. thing at there are so styling x] 4 pm my aunt say want to search for dinner me , my mum n my sis like = = SWEAT ~~ just 4 o'clock already want to eat dinner = = LOL 6 pm she only found that place that she wan to eat at = = LOL waste my timexx ~~ we eat steamboat ^^ 8 something i go to my another aunt house at K.L we go there bath then went for pasar malam.. hm~ i like to go there's pasar malam cz....[ @ > @ ] ^^ 9 .20p.m we going back home we reach home at 10 .30 like that after game, i write my blog.. hm.. today a erm... not really fun only lu ^^ i miss yesterday haha i love yesterday ^^
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this i saw at pasar x] me n kah mun may n kah mun kah mun me n may I LOVE TODAYzzZZ I WON'T FORGET IT WILL BE IN MY MIND FOREVER during so mny holidays.... today is my happiness dayzz ^^ 9 a.m i follow my mum went to O.U.G pasar then i go ''yam cha'' with my mum then i saw the racing car ^^ 11 a.m i reach pyramid thn i follow '' him '' to go to his house... we... [ NO NEGATIVE THINKING ] around 2p.m we took bus to pyramid we reach there 2something... then go meet my frenz may n kah mun x] dam freaking miss them oo^^ esspeially may x[ coz she not same school with me n kah mun adi > sobx evon damn hyper today = = we go take photo at the machine Evon go spoil the machine xD WALAO !!! ''siok'' wei..xD when we editing the photo she almost go kick my dear = = i also don't know why she want to do that DAMN IT !!! lucky she DINT if not = = i think i gonna smack her..xD simply kick = = then we have our lunch at Sushi KIng LOL u know ho...
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WA!! today i sleep until 1pm only wake up oo ^^ macam pig la..xD after breakfast urm.. i mean lunch x] then go bukit tinggi JJ '' GAii Gaii ''with mum n sis LOL my sis saud she is hungry .. then my mum bring her go '' KIM GARY '' thr eat she eat mee me n my mum jz '' YAM CHA '' u knw what my sis did?? = = say out oso '' PS '' when she eat she pour the mee = = whnen she drink , she spit out the water = = LOL after JJ we go Sri Muda pasar malam i bungkus my dinner at thr.. when my eldest bro come bck he finish my dinner - - WTH my dinner a !!! > HE EAT MY DINNER ape la > ~~ nvm lo.. i diet xD i on msn jz nw..xD i c my 2 best on9 at the same times... WOW !!! so happy... mean our A.M.E together agn ^^ wan knw wat is A.M.E ?? go to my fs acc... n c my group thr.. thn u will knw wat is it...xD ahwile more i msg with him ^^ haha... i cn wait 4 tml la...xD go pyramid.... go his house xD walao... siok a...xD i can imagine...
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BORED > today got nothing to do a.. msg with him... he playing games.. no one teman me la... around 2 sumthing i accompany my mum to TESCO buy sumthing 4 my aunt.. after that we bck home.. i make popcorn ^^ my bro n mum hlp me finiosh it in half an hr = = cool?? = = 4 sumthing i sleep in dining room = = too tired d.. 6o'clock i wake up... i look so blur duno wat gonna to do xD hair messy lik ..> i dun take dinner tonitezz xD erm.. 8 sumthing i bring my dad go out xD 4? wan knw? haha... go buy present 4 my mum lo...xD WASAI !!! dam expensive oo.. > $$ 650 @@ ME POKAI LIAO LA..> C910 i think la..> not sure i jz knw i pokai d lo... > k la...bye talk until here... gd9
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that's me x] too bored at car x] this is my sis she is sleeping this my cousin bz msg with her's bf = = this the way we going to sitiawan 1st 2nd this my aunt she is sleeping too = = the beach of sitiawan 1st 2nd 3rd 4rd 5th my mum... coconut trees 1st ( afternoon view) 2nd (evening view ) my mum n my sis posing rdy to take pic 1st 2nd tv this is our hotel wan.. cool?? going to pangkor... 1st 2nd 3rd 4rd 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th in the ferry... my cousin this my cousin too reach pangkor d me n my mum i like this x] eating asam laksa.... dead fly = = ( pangkor-coral island) sea cucumber x] it feel so soft and sticky taking sea cucumber x] Q?? my mum my sis she is going to snorkeling '' LALA '' & '' Si HAM '' bck to selangor-subang waitng 4 eat ''LALA'' mihun at car...x] too bored...S.S xD she look so = = evil pangkor trip...xD izit nice?? and i wanna to say sorry to everyone that i so long only update my blog..x] sowee~~ take c...