''forget about your boyfriends and meet at the hotel room
you can bring your girlfriend and meet me at the hotel room''

i m listening to this song ^^

11a.m my mum wake me up

after i brush my teeth
then preparing to school
i forget to eat my breakfast ><
today aunt 12 p.m already come n fetch me to school

12.35p.m i reach to school
i go Unique '' yam cha '' with friends
1 small table contain 10++ people - -

1p.m we walk in school

1st period start - Math
don't know why
i very concentrate on it..
maybe is exam is coming ^^
i study is cause of him ^^

3rd period - K.H [ kemahiran hidup ]
me n my friends keep talking :)

5th period - B.M
teacher enter class
just only me , evon , racheal n jasmine this 4 person only - -
all don't know go where d
teacher dint teach x)

6th period -recess time !!! :D
yesterday was peanuts fight
today water fight xD
'' KI Siao ''
this fight also evon start 1st - -
she got nothing to do la...
when they start
i run away
if not ,
my body get wet... xD

7th period -I.M [ Islam/Moral ]
Pn.Rubadevi is back X . X

last 2 period - ICTL
when we walking to computer lab
Pn.Sangeetha catch me n evon - -
she looking at me
and say to me
'' owh !!! grad , you dint wear your chain ''
i din button up wearing alot of earing , lens and a lots
she dint scold me - -
she catch evon's lens
'' look at me !!! contact lens , i will give u 10 marks ''
actually my lens 's colour is obverse then evon's wan

enter computer lab
we are not playing computer
cause those computers are noob - -

yeah ~
balik rumah lo !! :D
before balik
i get whack by
boon kie , boon lin , james sim , martin ...
all whack my head n messy my hair
i want revenge
but can't ><
lucky i still got my pet bro ^^
he buy sweet to me...

back home
SMS ^^
after bath and dinner
i watch movie n SMS
wakakakaka ..
9.3o p.m
play game ^^ - [ STEP ]
nice a.. ^^
sambil play game
sambil SMS
cause i don't want he feel bored x)

11.3o p. m
he call me ^^
we talk a few minutes
then end call
and start to write my blog ^^

SMS with him ..
talk with him ..
be with him ..
is a part of my life ..

Luii a.k.a angel


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