what was the meaning of 'My Ladies Day' ? it means the day that i only able to spend with my ladies --- my mum and my sister. :) i went out with them today. we had breakfast together then shopping. as usual as last time. it was a very rare opportunity for me to spend time with them now. due to i am not here with them always. i did shift out from my house. so, i will never waste every moment that i could spend with them. on my way for breakfast i had an awesome spicy ramen at OUG market for breakfast. yum yum~ miss it. :D after our breakfast, we went to IOI shopping mall. everyone of us also had our things to search for. and finally, i found it at Daiso. i searched for it since a month ago, finally they had restock it. i was worrying whether this company will restock it or not =X after we done out shopping, we took a rest at a dessert shop --- Tong Pak Fu after our rest, we headed to home. these were what i go...