today i got math's exam paper..
before i view my math's exam paper.
i was sleeping in the class with my friend.
after that, my math's teacher was very angry ..
cause she saw we slept at her class
so she woke us up with loud voice.

when i woke up,
i saw my exam paper.
i shock, and i open my eyes bigger.
i thought i was dreaming.
i got 73% for my math.
seriously.. WTF!
it is a fucking big surprise for me.

don't know why..
the first people i wanna to tell is my bf..
in that time,
i already plan want to call him and give him a surprise when i reach home.
But when i reach home, i saw his message.
he already at 1u.. :(
i don't want tell him in message because i want to see what respond that he got.

that time.
i was a bit angry.
i am not angry with he going out with friends.
i was angry with the timing.

feel so speechless for this afternoon..
night people.


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