
Showing posts from July, 2011


there are many problems floating in our life. just depends on what are them , how are them. i had cried badly just now. my mood was uncontrollably. my sound was change. my eyes was red. the tears are still locking at my eyes, and it is going to fall out. my mind is messy. my heart is shivering. i can't even think when during this moment. i did not know what i am going to do right now. i am just waiting for the time to basketball later. i think, i am going to have fun at there. i will try my best :) I am not an optimist. I am not strong too.




因为我妹妹骂我的事情, 我大哭一场。 我不知道为什么, 当我妹妹骂我的时候,我没反驳她。 可说是第一次咯。 我一直收在心里,压着自己。 尝试着吞掉这口气。 可是我做不到。 我告诉他,他叫我体谅她的心情。 但是谁来体谅我??? 我的心真的很痛。 根本就透不过气。 平时的我,都不会把我妹妹的东西放在心上。 可是不懂为什么...今天.. 我却忍不住,哭了出来。 哭了,心,还是很痛。 感觉很辛苦... :( 很辛苦.. 真的很辛苦...

好心在雷劈 :【

今天,一大清早陪妈妈去巴刹。 十点多回家载我妹妹去朋友家做project 因为我妈妈要拿车去修理时耽误了些时间,所以迟了去载我妹妹。 我妹妹就一直拨电话来,用着不满的语气催我妈妈回去载她。 我妈妈关了她电话,大发雷霆的找我诉苦。 我只好静静地听妈妈诉苦咯。 回到家, 我妹妹吃着东西。她一直发小姐脾气。 闹到她跟妈妈吵架。 我就劝她 “ 快吃你的东西,我帮你洗鞋。” 搬了新家那么久,我从没洗过鞋。 这次可说是我第一次在新家洗鞋。 当我帮她洗鞋时,她的朋友打电话来催我妹妹快去她家。 然后我妹妹就对她朋友埋怨妈妈。 我就好好声的对我妹妹说 “ 你快吃你东西啦,你酱讲电话只是会拖延时间罢了 ” 话一说完,我妹妹骂我。 ‘ 收声!!! ’ 当时的我,心很痛,真的超想哭出来的咯。 帮她洗鞋,为了不要耽误她的时间,为了让她可以快点出门。 她谢谢都没一句,我还要挨骂。 收被刷子擦伤了, 都没人理。 我真的无言 :(


HRM... 7 like that i reach SMC (a mamak ) and waiting for friends at there. around 8, we got our own number then start run. we (pf,yw,Jas and kelly) walk for 1.5 km like that. other we run :D 9 something we reach school. after that i go join the basketball friendly match. freaking fun :D i feel like join back to the basketball school team :( but i am worry for the fees :( so how? they say i don't need to pay. but like unfair to others teammate. haih. confusing. after the basketball friendly match, it was 11 something. we feel like going back cause very tired. so we try to walk out from school, but the guard say have to wait for parents come already only can go back. FUCK him seriously. we cant even bear it. we just went to the primary school and climb out !!! woo~! are we cool ? xD that was what i did when i was form 1. and i did it back today. haha. precious experience . ♥ ♥ i will not forget today and last time when i was form 1 i had climb out from school ♥ it was my great memo...


just came back from ' Satu Malaysia ' run and basketball friendly match. and i am thinking whether i want to join back the basketball team or not :( actually it was freaking nice, but after a call, my mood is going down again. FML there was someone laugh me, ' why you just always block people in game?' NAH!~ i freaking angry with it. do you think i want it? and do you think play center is that easy? do you think i am a noob in game? or you are thinking that i am a loser? FML seriously.