
Showing posts from January, 2015


It has been long time that i did not update my blog.  Not very sure what to write about for my new post.  I am currently busy for my studies and facing some problems about my family. In these few years, I had grown up.  I finally understand what life is.  Life is good, awesome yet it also can be rude and hurtful.  The elder I grow, the more I get hurts.  I feel like crying so badly, i had lost a lot of things.  Like just now, I stone at the garden.  I recall back a lot of childhood memories,  incidents that i had been through with my siblings and parents. As I look back to my memories, I smile.  In another way I compare my past life with now, my heart broke into pieces.  The opportunity cost of growing up is to give up my family bonds. That's what I am having and facing now.  Heart Broken.