Dear diary and lovely blog readers,

I am back to my blog again after few days.
Today, am gonna share about my Malacca trip with my ladies.
I had a 2days trip at there, there was really fun and if you love foods,
there will be one of the best place.

The first thought about Malacca is buildings.
Every buildings at there are having its own history.
Those histories are up to 50 years.
The second thought about Malacca is the culture.
Centuries ago, Malacca is living with Baba and Nyonya.
The third thought about Malacca is the foods.
Since I had mentioned Malacca culture is about Baba and Nyonya,
so, the famous foods in Malacca is Nyonya foods.
There is a street named Jonker Walk (鸡场街), there sell a lot of foods and stuff,
the street is really suitable for everyone to get their souvenirs and fulfill their stomach.
Jonker Walk is open in morning and night.
It is just depends what you want to get from there.
If you love night market, it is a must to go at night.

Day 1 of Malacca trip,

As we reached Malacca, we went to Nadeje cake's house.
I heard a lot of people told me Nadeje in Malacca is the main store in Malaysia,
so we went there for our lunch.
We order 3 Mille Crepe —— Double Chocolate, Green Tea and Original.
I like the Original flavor the most among 3 of the Mille Crepe.

Double Chocolate


Green Tea

After our lunch, we take a walk in Malacca town.
Of course, I snapped a lot of pictures about Malacca town.
I really enjoyed the moment of taking pictures while walking,
the feeling is really awesome and relax.
All of the stress had been threw away for awhile, it is one of the my way to release my stress.
Right? :D

Kampung Jawa River

Back street named Jalan Tukang Besi

This is a resort's garden located beside Kampung Jawa river.


Buildings in Malacca town.

These links is about the picture below,
Here can give you more information about the history and stories of the church:

Church of St. Francis Xavier

Red House area

Jonker Walk

This man is really expert in opening coconut's shell.
He open the coconut in a minute.
He removed the whole coconut's shell without separating the flesh and juice.
The best part was the coconut juice is still covered by the flesh, 
not splitting out a drop of juice.  

One of the famous food in Malacca, Chicken Rice Balls. Must try!!!

Foods and stuff that selling in Jonker Walk.

This is the best beverage for me in Malacca.
It is flavored water.

Famous Durian Puff in Malacca. Shop named as 'Taste Better".

Durian Ice cream

Grill Bird Eggs with sliced meat

Potato Chips Tornado


TangHulu or named as BingTangHulu
Fruits that coated by sugar syrup or melted chocolate

Grilled Imayawayaki a.k.a Grilled Cake. 
In mandarin called 车轮饼 (CheLunBing)


New bought crystal anklet 
It has 3 colors in it —— dark violet, lavender and white

Explanation of the Crystal Color.
NeedCrystal Color
Cohesiveness White Crystal
Freedom White Crystal
Hope White Crystal
Illumination White Crystal
Innocence White Crystal
Purity White Crystal
Unity White Crystal
Remove Inhibitions White Crystal
Moon Energy White Crystal

NeedCrystal Color
Answers to Mysteries Dark Violet Crystal
Destiny Dark Violet Crystal
Vivid Dreams Dark Violet Crystal
Enchantment Dark Violet Crystal
Good luck Dark Violet Crystal
Magic Dark Violet Crystal
Mystical Beings Dark Violet Crystal
Soothe Nightmares Dark Violet Crystal

NeedCrystal Color
Imagination Lavender Crystal
Elegance Lavender Crystal
Ingeniousness Lavender Crystal
Luxury Lavender Crystal

Day 2 of Malacca trip:

After our breakfast, we take a walk again in Jonker Walk.
It is because there is a little difference between night and morning.
The little difference between morning and night of the Jonker Walk is the foods and stuff that sell at there.
Besides, we could see much more clearer of the environment, buildings.

Pictures tell more than words. 
Have a look of them.

Buildings and decorations

Chocolate shop in Jonker Walk. Named Hoko. 
This chocolate shop provided quality chocolates. 
The most popular product of Hoko is the chocolate drink. 
This shop is offer free sample chocolates for every customers who visit their shop.
I strongly recommend their instant cocoa drink, it taste really nice and it wont be over sweet. 
You can choose the cocoa powder without sugar if you dislike the sweetness of the drink.  

These are the cocoa powder I bought. 
I bought both type of the cocoa powder, with and without sugar.

If you love soap, you must be here. 
This shop is selling handmade soap. 
Those soaps look cute and is a good souvenir.
The shop is selling many types of the soap, different type of soap provide different type of the benefit.
By the way, this shop also selling ingredients of making soap, so customers can get the ingredients from this shop and make their own type soap.

Christina Ee bakery and souvenirs shop. 
This bakery selling fresh handmade cookies.
Their popular product in this shop is Pineapple cookies.

The best Pineapple Cookies in the shop.
Tourist must buy this Pineapple cookies, this kind of Pineapple cookies only available in Christina Ee Bakery.

Back street of Jonker Walk, a lot of people are selling some antiques and old stuff.

Another brand of flavored water. 
The taste is actually same.


Delicious Red Bean Paste Cookies.

This is the best coffee shop I had been in Malacca. 
Seriously, if you like durian, you must try their Durian Coffee. 
The aroma of the Durian mixed with the coffee is really perfect. 
For me, Durian Coffee must be chilled or cold only taste better.
The best seller in this coffee shop is Black & White Coffee and Durian Coffee.

If you love Herbal Egg, you must try this shop's Herbal Egg. 
The whole egg is full of the Herbal's aroma, even the yolk.

This is the most famous Nyonya restaurant in Jonker Walk.
It named Anak Nyonya.
We had our lunch at Anak Nyonya.

Spicy Chilli Chicken

The most popular dished, Golden Cups.


Fried Veggie


Nyonya Kuih

Red Bean Paste Cookies

My new cap from Jonker Walk.

Purse I bought from Jonker Walk.
I love it a lot, cause the pockets inside really enough for me to put my cards, money and 2 phones. 

This is the last picture in Malacca Jonker Walk

After our lunch and 10 minutes walk, is our time to back home. 
Bye Malacca, will come back after years later.

Hope you all enjoy my blog post,
Thanks and appreciate for spending your time on my post.
Lots of loves from me.

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