heyyo.. i am here to intro my new friends in my college.
they are my course mate.
everyone who know me well will know what kind of person am i.
a talkative, crazy, funny and emotional people.and yea, thats me. :)

so, the people that i knew in my course wont be a quiet nor weird person.
the new crazy gang of bitches here. :P
i did really enjoy while i be with them, because of them, my class wont be that bored.

friend introduction :-

with MeiYi. the craziest one.

with June.
BTW, she is my NS friend. 
i was really really surprise that i could met up with my NS friend here, 
and we are taking same course. :D

with WanYing

with XinXue

i do really hope, we can build a strong friendship :)

my instagram

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