hi my loyal readers. :)
sorry for did not update my blog post for months.
due to i was during my time in camp of National Service (NS).
i am having few days of Chinese New Year holiday now.

umm.. what i am going to write on this post is,
how was my one and a half month life in NS.

the camp was bored, due to those stimulate activities not yet start,
like, Flying Fox, jungle trekking ...
we just spend our time in the class so far.
really boring.

two days before i come back from NS for holiday,
i got sick. i go fever and serious sore throat.
i fainted in my dome too.
due to i couldn't sleep well in camp..

the environment at there was suck.
dirty, did not have water to bath for sometime, and so on...

nothing much i can tell about NS,
due to i really not interest on it and it really freaking piss me off.
so, i might will continue my NS life on 16 March(date of leaving the hell).
bye my friends. :)

Happiiee Chinese New Year everyone. 

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