yeah~ finally i had reached this day. 
had been waiting for it so long. *excited* 
we rendezvoused at school at 7morning and we leaved at 8.

at the time, a trouble maker scolded me about my pants. 
she asked me to go back home and change it and said, 
i am not allowed to wear jeans to this Graduation and lots of shits.
who cares? i got in the bus still. 

 the first picture on Graduation Day.

as we had arrived Sunway College,
few of my friends and I  had some argument with the trouble maker about our wears.
she just kept complaining about the skirt was too short and wearing a jeans.
i tried to give her some explain, but she just told me i was giving her some garbage.
oh, come on, you are the garbage in the school, so could we throw you out from the school?

after the war with the trouble maker, 
i just went to the john and took some pictures with my buddies. :) 

the pictures in the john.

we walked around and had some with pictures with our friends.
no matter we were close or not. 
just took it as a memory :)

the best group of my friends. 
Lawyer, Market Aunt,  Stewardess

she is my hot chick(shamni) in school. 
alright, i am not a lesbian by the way, 
just because I love her, 
and she loves me. 

what a pair of sweeeet couple :)

OK. here was another hot chick for me. 
sorry my wife Shamni. =X

in this picture, i was taller than him.
but for the necessary, i had to bend a bit. 

on our way back to school.

alright, Sean, just accept the fact. 
i am much more handsome than him right? 
my lovely readers. :D

aww~ what a poor little guy, forever alone. :D

we stoned at Chatime as we reached back to our school.
for some Chit-Chat.

nothing much to mention about how was today works. 
it was suck as the trouble maker making the troubles yet
it still nice as I  could be with my friends. 
it is hard to get kind of opportunity to be with them.
especially for those I am not that close with. 
i really hope this post could bring back or make me recall our memories back in our future.

all the best my friends. 
wish you all have a good life in your future. 
i love you all. :)

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