Happiieee Bufff Deiii BowBow <3
wish your dream come true ! :)

i was celebrating BowBow's Birthday just now with some buddies. 
we headed to "Old Town" for our first station and "Tasty One" for the next.

sorry to say so, 
i thought it must be a boring celebration,
but, i was wrong. 
it was really fun. i seriously enjoy with you all.

as we arrived "Old Town", there was very quiet. 
all because of us, the "Old Town" had become a night market.
our voice had totally covered the music of broadcasted by the radio. 
how cool were we. 

 this is the present for BowBow
sorry, i don't what to get for you in the last minute.
so, just bought a chocolate for ya, hope you like it :)
Happiiieee Bufff Deii <3

a snap as waiting for Steph, Kelly and Rainie's tuition class end.

the first picture for the camwhore starting at "Old Town".  TeeHee. :)

With KahYen(YenBii)

With JinYang

aww~ what a SWEET couple. :D

Birthday Girl with her Beloved wifey and hubby

i like this, cool right? 

the KISSES from/for us :)

Second Station, Tasty One.

with BowBow

kisses for Birthday Girl

with Jasmine
BTW, where she looking at? :D

again and again~ 
my camera is lag due to this Couple. stuck by their sweet pictures. :D

promoting for "Tasty One"

we are like ignoring Edmund :D

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