i believe that everyone know today is Father's Day, right?
so, do you all have any action for your beloved dad?

hm~ i don't have any action for him this year,
but i still sent him a message to wish him.
due to his is busy with his things.
so~ mm~ hmm~

he is my handsome daddy :) 
the only picture of us.


when i was just 5 year-old,
my daddy liked to bring us out for a ride at night with his jalopy.
i remember we went to a place which have to take four hours by road.
at that time, it was quite late at night, the whole road was dark and without street lights.
i felt cold, and i told my dad. 

he took out his shirt without consider and let me wore it.
that time i was still young, 
i did not feel touching, but now. 
i love you daddy, you're my greatest dad. :)

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