everyone know that this year is my last year for secondary school right?
so, we were having camwhore in our class today..with teachers also.
we snapped lots of photos for our school magazine.

frankly, i feel glad that i have these classmate for my last year secondary school.
i did really had fun with them.
although we had some quarrels.

in my class,
there are kinds of people.
some are selfish, some are kind and so on.
i cant deny that i do have few of them who i dislike.
but, just keeping quiet.

they are my classmate,
check them out :)



she's my Perdagangan teacher

this is my Science teacher.

Ikmal and I

she's my Math teacher.
she's is going to shift school after our holiday.
our school are going to lost another math teacher. 

Joan and I

Hannah and I

LynnSze and I

Amme and I

Amme and Joan

Joan and I

hey, do i look cute in this picture? :D 

the way I enjoying my Breakfast, Oat.

My breakfast, Oat. 
Yumm Yumm~

snapped with an outsider :D

She's our B.Malay teacher

Gan(class monitor) and I
our serious face :D

Joan and Emric

alright, they had proof that i am short. 


my class'  hot game. 
arm wrestling 

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