hello my lovely readers.
i am gonna to introduce myself here :)


my name is Angel or you can call me YanLai. #PronounsItProperly
I am 17 this year. #StillYoung :D
I am from Shah Alam #APartOfSelangor.
I am a secondary school student plus a teacher of teaching art. #NoDoubt
I am a stubborn girl, I will not obey to the instruction which I don't like. not even my parents #ThatsMe


I like love to spend my times with my family, close friends and my love. 
I love to being the way that I am. #WontBeSoSillyToChangeMyselfForOthers  #ThatsEnoughForMe
I like to hide all my problems in my heart. and not going to tell out. #IDontKnowWhy
I like to listen to songs or hanging around at park when I am down.
I like to Blog when i feel like sharing something out.
I like pets.
I like love take pictures with my friends/family/my love and myself. #CameraLife
my favorite drink are Coffee and Lemon Juice without sugar. #ButICantAlwaysTakeIt :(
favorite color is pink.
favorite fruit are kiwi and strawberry.
favorite toy/decoration is DOMO
favorite food are spaghetti and sushi(tuna mayo)
favorite sport is basketball.
favorite kind of boy is, who will care about me, loyal, romantic, can bear all of my shortcoming/attitude, never force me go out if i said NO/DONT WANT !, treat me as a mothafucking princess =X


I hate insects ! #EspeciallySpiderAndCockroach
I hate FATSss and PIMPLESss  #EnemyOfEveryGirls
I hate over sweet foods and drinks.
I hate live without mobile :D #TeenagersLife
I hate having arguments with my friends/family/my love
I hate be wronged.
I hate seeing the one who i love leave me away #IMeanPassAway
I hate dirty and smelly
I hate to be alone. 
I hate lied by someone who i care.
I hate people take me as a JOKE !!
kind of boy I hate is, force me to do something which i don't like, don't even understand me, expect me to pay for him everything when heading out with him #GuyWithNoBalls¯﹃¯ ,  not gentle at all .... 

MY DREAM #hope it come true

get a smartphone. (Samsung sII/III) #WooHoo
get a good result for SPM enough. 
get my license in no time. #WannaOutWithoutAskingPeopleFetch

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