YESTERDAY was my sister ------ MingLi 14 years old Birthday :)
my mum and I were planning to make a surprise for her.
but we failed. :(
is okieee... ~ wish you Happy Birthday and Wishes come true  #peace

did snap some pictures while waiting for her back to homey from tuition

stole this LadyBird clip from Mr.Lee :D

this was my sister's Birthday cake. 
nice isn't? :D
and it taste not bad too. 
we bought it from Subang while during lunch time. #IKnowWeShouldNot =X
there was jam SHIT and got no parking. 
we had spend 2 hours for finding the parking. 

this is the Bakery which we bought the cake from.

around 11,  the protagonist was back. :)
 failure of the surprise to be carried out. :D

these are the presents I gave her. 
Hope she like it  ^^

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