something make me feel warm at my working place which is My Art Studio :)
guess what?
a guy hold my hand tightly unexpectedly when listening to a story which told by one of my friend name YueChong.
his name call ZhenWei.
and he is adorable. <3
the way he talk had attracted me.
i love him :D
and right, he is just study in kinder garden.
haha :D 
he just a kid
i really don't know why he will hold my hand suddenly.
he really cute. 

too bad.
i got no chance to take his picture and post it here.
he is the second kid that make me feel warm when i with them :)
i love my job more and more :D

what? want to know who is the first kid? :D
alright. haha! i am just talking with myself.
but i like the way i am. :B

alright. the first kid make me got those feeling is Ethan.
he is 5 in this year :)
a question. only a question make me feel like hug him tightly :D

he asked : teacher, when i went to Taiwan, did you miss me?
i answered: yea,of course i did. i miss you so much *smile warmly* 
(actually i still don't really know him that day, and i don't know when he went to Taiwan = =)
i asked back: how about you? did you miss me when you at Taiwan?
he answered: YES! i did teacher.

aww.. i like this conversation with him <3
is he cute? :D 

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