i am just got calm a bit here.
something was shocking me when i log in my facebook.
guess what i saw?
i saw a post, " R.I.P Shine Shawne , we will miss you forever "
Shawne is one of my friend who always joked with me.
i stunned.
first, i was thinking, who the fuck is taking this kind of lame joke?!
until i view Shine Shawne profile.
i speechless. that's true.
no one is joking around. except for the GOD.

frankly, i still cant really accept this.
he is keep on flooding on my mind and
our memories, too.
i miss his joke. i miss him when he spoke mandarin to me.
why you leave us away?

what can i ask for you now is,
may God bless your soul. rest in peace my friend.
we will miss you forever.

one last thing i wanna tell to God is,
please, stop hurting me.
i don't know how long i still can hold them on.
these are not i wanted for my Christmas.
stop fooling me around. please. ;(


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