had a birthday party on 8 something just now.
venue at JunWah's house :)
there were some ex form 5 and our form 4 girls there :)

today, he was a 'creamy man'
what you waiting for? let's view the pictures.
you will got what i mean then :D

play pool at JunWah's house :D

is it cute?
this is JunWah's rabbit ..aww~

guess what?
this is a present for JunWah :D
he has to wear it for us :D


hey guys.
does it look like a fake cake? :D
it is. it made by sponge.
use it to fake JunWah.

guys. did you all saw a knife at there?
yea. that's the knife that he use to cut the cake

all right.
this is a real cake guys.

this is the meaning of ' creamy man' :D

pictures of during the end of the party ^^

all in all. happy birthday to JUnWah.
hope you like the birthday that we celebrated for you.
oh ya. BTW, we gift him a sweater, it cost 200 ++ hope he like it.


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