SOU TAIYERD (so tired)

Heh! hi my friends.
these picture is i took after i reach homey.. :D
when you all see these picture, can feel how tired am i ?? XD
i seriously very tired today >
hm~ today i want blog about my school..
today is my first time PJ on 2011..
i join my friends play basketball at school today.
i really have fun with my those form 5 friends (girls)
they say want to play scream game..
i like.. what the hell is that. ?!
then one of my friend told me scream game is basketball.
it is cause got few girls don't know how to play basketball.
so they will scream when ball come to them.
LOL = = .. speechless :D

game is start..
some of them really got a lot of fault :D
it is funny.
when they clear, the run to outline clear :D
really make me laugh until stomachache.
i wont forget about today.
i can have fun with them every Monday.. woohoo~!
hah!! i love my form 5 friends(girls) so much :)


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