siow thong and her cousin

siow thong and her cousin

Basketball :D

Monday ,
  • mE
  • siow thong
  • siow thong' s cousin
  • ekhsan
  • martin
  • darwin
  • darwin' s bro
went to basketball at Canal Garden
1st time went to to play basketball
that court o high
hard to shoot the ball
i keep miss ><

we play match
play until 10 something
we go Mama Kandar there
have our breakfast
we all ate Roti Planta
all Ekhsan belanja ^^
WOW !!!
'' siok '' ah :]

after breakfast
ekhan and martin went to C C
and me n siow thong went back home
fell so tired
when i reach home
i straight lay on sofa and sleep
i din bath XD


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