this afternoon
me and Kah Mun went to school
too bad
Kah Mun kena caught by Cikgu Asmi
i don't know why la..

he dint catch me :]
but .. ..
when i walk

Cikgu Asmi :'' hey Chan , mari sini . ''
then i walk to him
Cikgu Asmi :'' you ada abang atau kakak sekoleh sini ke tak ?? ''
Me :'' tak la ''
Cikgu Asmi :'' o , tak pa la pergi ''

i like thx god :D
i thought he want to check my bag or my lens

Cikgu Asmi : '' ehh , mari sini ''
LOL , he call me again
Cikgu Asmi : '' mana you punya sekolah rendah ?? ''
Me : '' Khe Beng la ''
Cikgu Asmi : '' owh , pergi pergi ''

what happen to the teacher a??
ask me come ask me go = =
and he is not check my hair or what
just ask me question
sweat ~

EXAM >.<

today exam

  1. Eng paper 1 ( b4 recess )
  2. Eng paper 2 ( b4 recess )
  3. B.M paper 2 (after recess )

@ @
so hard la >.<
when we during the exam
we cheat :]
i cheat with Ket Xuan more
Wakakaka !!
we smart
we cheat also wont let teacher catch x]

want know how we cheat ???
beg me la ..
u beg me then i tell you ..
Haha ..
joking joking

actually i just want for the ans
the Ket Xuan ask me change the question paper with him
the question paper got ans at there

i like
Aiyorr ...
don't care la.
just copy :D

after recess
we still have an exam B.M paper 2
we cheat lagi worse
we not just change the paper
we ask each other for the ans
some more go ask for the meaning form teacher
WTH !!
the teacher really will give us the meaning
OMG !!

the most funny is
Kah MUn finish the paper
she pass up to teacher
teacher see d
she ask Kah MUn correction
and show her where have to correction
how to correct it o.O

what kind of teacher is it ?? = =
but we like it :)
and we hope every teacher also same like her
Wakakaka !!


when i pass up the exam paper
i ask the pass from teacher
[ pass kebenaran pergi tandas ]
the toilet at the 1st floor

you know
how quiet is the building ???
like a needle drop to the floor also can hear
but our class is the noisiest want
in the whole building
untill the 1st floor also can hear our class voice
exam time
just like normal studying la @ @

but ..
i really feel that i m lucky
cause i have drop to this class
we are special
how special are we ??

  • the naughtiest
  • the noisiest
  • penalty are the highest

what also we are the 1st
but ..
still got something we lose to others

  • always listen to teacher
  • always study
  • always brag by teacher

that what we lose to others class ^^


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