NEW !!! :] before tuition yum cha with friends in SMC [ kota kemunig ] get a paper iphonE from shaun Lee :D Shaun Lee bring phone to school today .. my dear get sick jor...T.T sad sad ... take care ah dear hope u get well soon ... makx ^^
MY PANDA EYES T.T yesterday dinner Tom-yam TODAY , this morning , 6something i woke up = = follow mama go O.U.G Pasar and yum cha at there afternoon, me , my sis and mama have our lunch at Secret Recipe Tiramisu Banana Ice- cream then go buy mask at Cosway buy at Watson buy at Cosway
Just now, my mother scold me for no reason at all. I'm not doing wrong, why she scold me for??? LOL The hell of it. Each time the brothers and sisters in the curse, I must again be plunge . recently mother temper was bad, it's easy to lose her temper. what to do ??? talk nicely with her, she angry again. How can we not let my mother temper??? T.T haiz .. MOM, if I have done anything wrong, forgive me??? don' t lose your temper ler =[
I took a bite out of the Vitagen bottle :D HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Ming Keat [ So KEat ] 1 - jade 2 - siow thong 3 - jun wah 4 - me siow thong birthday zaii - ming keat jade stephanie fein today , have a surprise for ming keat ^^ when his family and him went to pyramid for dinner, we went to his house to get ready for the surprise Siow Thong will tell us where are them but ... suddenly say at Puchong , suddenly at Kota Kemuning , suddenly at guard house - - wtf ??? make us run up run down :D when he reach home, he opened the door.. we sang '' birthday song '' for him ^^ He seems very moved .. haha... anyways , happy birthday to ming keat , wish you good health & get a good result for SPM
so cute ~ ^^ today , 10 something like that i follow my mummy go temple pray when i enter the main door then i saw a room for dogs and puppies there really got a lot of puppies and dogs > so cute ~ ♥ this is one of them ^^
this morning .. around 10 something like that suddenly feel my heart n chest so painful .. i don' t know what happen and these days i feel hard to breath really so uncomfortable GOD ! it is i get any sick ?? T.T i don' t want die so fast - -
EXAM !! OH MY GOD ! so stresS keep on study ...T.T MATH !! :- it is hard to understand and it is confused @ .@ hate exam so muchii :( and i cant fail my exam if not .. mama don' t let me go out .. even bkb ( basketball) also cant T.T